Sabal Palm Bank - Custom Bench Design

Sabal Palm Bank Custom Bench Project
Project Location: Sarasota, Florida
Designed in Sarasota, Florida by Nick ODonnell

Sarasota, Florida

Sarasota, Florida

Sabal Palm Bank, Sarasota FL

Sabal Palm Bank, Sarasota FL

Sarasota is a city famous for its rich artistic history. Having origins deeply intertwined with the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, the city sits as the landmark of ritzy, high-fashion life along the east coast of Florida.

While many of the older landmarks and buildings still stand, the downtown area has seen tremendous growth and change over the last decade, and a new edge of modern tropical architecture has become the new norm. It is in one such building that our most recent custom piece has become the entryway statement piece.

The Sabal Palm Bank represents all of the elements that people think of when they think of the city of Sarasota. Rich artistic culture. Marine and tropical geography. Additionally, a very specific palette of colors and swaying lines. We were tasked to create a piece that would sit in harmony with the look and feel and emotion of the city.

The project was later featured on Adobe’s Behance Product Design front page on Oct. 2nd, 2018

Project Completed in August 2018